Sacramento Homeschool Math By Hand

Sacramento Homeschool Math

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A Year in the Life: Ambient Math Wins the Race to the Top!

April 25th, 2014 · No Comments · Homeschool Math Curriculum

Day 110

For one year, 365 days, this blog will address the Common Core Standards from the perspective of creating an alternate, ambient learning environment for math.  Ambient is defined as “existing or present on all sides, an all-encompassing atmosphere.”  And ambient music is defined as: “Quiet and relaxing with melodies that repeat many times.”  Why ambient?  A math teaching style that’s whole and all encompassing, with themes that repeat many times through the years, is most likely to be effective and successful.

Time for a blog break.  Please do watch this wonderful portrait of Waldorf, filmed at the Marin Waldorf School.  And know that you can embody the Waldorf way at home as well.  Love is key: love of and deep respect for both the child and the things of the world that are brought before the child.  Anyone who is open to a child-centered approach can teach this way, enabling a joyful learning that continues lifelong as the end result!  Knowledge ensues in an environment dedicated to imaginative, creative knowing, where student and teacher alike surrender to the ensuing of that knowledge as a worthy goal.


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